Monday 2 April 2012

My Networks...

The range and value of our own individual networks, unknown to us, are never ending and ever expanding. The importance of who we know, particularly throughout our professional performance careers, are invaluable. There's that constant cliche of 'Its not what you know, but who you know' which is becoming ever more apparent while climbing the 'career ladder'. My own networks range and differ vastly. I need to maintain a balance to ensure a constant sense of well-being inclusive of both 'professional' and 'money' jobs as well as a social life. Whilst trying to put pen to paper in a bid to visibly show how I network, I began to notice how everything was connected. From my peers to my agent, my previous training to my family, without any of these components I would not know nor be where I am today without them. The knowledge and link that each one has provided, is key in boosting my professional profile and establishing myself. For this reason alone I decided not to visibly link each network, but group them to the variable I felt them closest to. The link below shows you my networks and how I view them:

Whilst reflecting upon my networks I began to see a pattern forming, and found a novel way to view it in the fact that networking is much like a game of snakes and ladders. Each component within your own personal network is naturally a ladder, however the impression and way you present yourself within each given situation can cause a set back i.e a snake. Though your network is very much important and personal within your world, I think we can forget that, for instance, the choreographer you worked with in a past job could be your present directors best-friend. As a performer, like it or not, we are constantly being judged and on show. In order for us to further ourselves and reach that next step, we need to gain the ability to 'tap into' alternative networks to access what until then had been hidden information.


  1. This is a great post Simone, it really supports this idea of not just moving up through your networks but sideways and out. Unlike performing where its generally about moving up and progressing. I'm finding it essential to network sideways to other teachers, so I can rely on their experience.

    This inter-connection you talk about. Do you think it happens naturally or is there away of making it work that way? I wonder if there is a benefit to connecting all your individual networks?

  2. Thanks Ahmet, I think in general the inter-connecting does happen naturally, it is completely normal that people within industries are connected in some way, though I do believe that if there is a contact you wish to achieve there are always ways of sourcing it, particularly in this day and age no-one is unreachable!
